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Join us in worship as we celebrate the Eucharist on the Second Sunday of Easter.

We will be gathering in-person (with respectful distancing), and on Zoom with the service streamed from St. John's.  The service will also be livestreamed and will be available to watch below, or by clicking on the Livestreams button above.

The order of service is available to download below.


If you did not receive an email from Carol-Ann with a link for Zoom, please ensure you check your spam folder as it may be hiding there. If not, please contact Carol-Ann to make sure you are on the parish email list.


If you would like to and as you are able, please consider supporting the ongoing work of St. John the Divine by donating through Canada Helps.

Donate Now Through!

You can also make donations to the April Blue Envelope Fund to support Greater Victoria Act Together (GVAT) through Canada Helps by selecting Monthly Blue Envelopes from the Fund dropdown menu.


Presider: The Venerable Alastair Singh-McCollum
Reader: Joel Durkovic; Al Lehman
Gospel: Joan Huzar
Sermon: The Reverend Stephanie Wood
Intercessions: David Buckman
Music: The Choristers of St. John the Divine; The MacRae Choral Scholars; Emily Markwart, Sutton Organ Scholar; David Stratkauskas, Director of Music