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Dear Friends,

Greetings to you all in this festive season!  My gift to you is a short letter, and as I rarely get to send cards, to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

It’s been an important year for our Parish: we have addressed many issues, taken part in many exciting events and programs, and undertaken a number of projects which will benefit us and the wider community now and in years to come. 

Many thanks to all of you who have worked so hard on all the things which St. John’s holds so dear, too numerous to mention – to my colleagues on the staff team, the hard working wardens, officers and Parish Council, all the volunteers, and to all of you who support with your time, your prayers, your money, your energy, and above all, your love, the work of our church – Thank you so very much.

My prayer is that in 2017, as we consider our Vision and Mission as a Parish, we think on our calling to be connected to our community, our sisters and brothers within our Diocese and one another.  And that as we hear our Bishop’s calling to live this as a year of reconciliation, in our families, our churches, with all the peoples of the Islands and Inlets we will seek to grow as and continue to be the community to which Christ calls us – inclusive, welcoming, forgiving, gracious, generous, hopeful – reaching out in love and service to all.

Peace and prayers for you all, and best wishes for the New Year!

The Venerable Alastair McCollum
