Paul Tillich believed that the Visual Arts need to be a priority for the life of the church, and not only art by the religious for the religious. He was concerned that the church open itself to the voice of the artist even when it came from beyond the church.
Paul Tillich noted that art made by who do not identify as religious could still be religious in the larger sense "being ultimately concerned about one's own being, about one's own self and one's world, about its meaning and its estrangement and its finitude."
This Easter Saturday, I invite us to consider work made by a local contemporary artist collective, BOXCARSIX. In the winter of 2016 I had invited the collective to interpret the Easter Story. The result was the exhibition All Things New shown at what was then The Stairwell Gallery at St Philip Anglican Church at Easter 2017.
This slide show shares the art. The pieces themselves were not titled but instead a Contemplative Guide accompanied the work with sacred text taking on the role of title. This link leads to the Contemplative Guide with images.