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To members of the congregation of the Anglican Church of St. John the Divine:

Commitment Sunday, November 21, is coming - we used to call it Stewardship Sunday.

Over the past year and a half, COVID restrictions have kept us from physically gathering as a full community, but the extraordinary efforts and financial contributions of parishioners have helped to keep our liturgical, ministerial and social programs going. Again this year it is important to honour Commitment Sunday and indicate our willingness to support our parish.

We thank all members of the parish for their personal participation in our mission. We invite parishioners to take time to think about how we can use the gifts God has given us to do the work God is calling us to do. What will you commit to do to continue to sustain our church building and our programs? Enclosed is your commitment card, and a return envelope to get it back to the church.

Your parish finance committee will develop a budget for 2022, and it is important to know the amount of giving we can expect. Our goal is to reduce our deficit budget and keep up with ongoing expenses that are vital to continued operation of the church, its programs and ministry to the wider community.

Your monthly giving is one of the most important things you can do to maintain the church. We therefore ask that if you are able, please consider increasing your financial commitment to St. John’s. Please commit in a way that is meaningful to you. Just indicate on the commitment card the amount you plan to give, and the Envelope Secretary will make it happen.

If you would like to donate stock shares or mutual funds, there are tax benefits to doing this. A member of the finance committee would be happy to provide more information, or you may use the CanadaHelps website and click on the “Donate Securities” button. The link appears at the bottom of all emails that come from the church. 

In these COVID-19 times, our lives have changed; our spending patterns have changed. We hope that you will be able to change your giving patterns too by increasing your commitment so that our church can continue to meet its obligations and provide the ministries we all need.

On behalf of the parish Finance Committee,


Members of the Finance Committee: Joan Huzar (Chair), David Buckman, Lorraine Gates, Joel Hefty, Marilyn Kertoy