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Join us in worship as we celebrate the First Eucharist on Christmas.

We will be gathering in-person (with respectful distancing), and via livestream. The service will be available to watch below, or by clicking on the Livestreams button above.

The order of service is available to download below.


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Presider: The Reverend Dr. John Thatamanil
Readers:  Virginia Miller, Christine Scott
Gospel: The Venerable Alastair Singh-McCollum
Sermon: The Venerable Alastair Singh-McCollum 
Intercessions: Jamie Laweson
Music: The Choristers of St. John the Divine; Char Hodgkins, Conductor; Emily Markwart, Assistant Organist; David Stratkauskas, Director of Music & Organist
Setting: W.A. Mozart (1756-1791), Missa Brevis K49