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I don't know about you, but when we used to go on any journey as a family, we would always make sure the kids had enough snacks and drinks for a week away, even if we were only going a half hour or so away! Any journey needs food!

It's the same for our Spiritual journey, just as we need to take a break to rest every now and then, we also need to sustain ourselves with nourishment for our travels. So what feeds you in your journey? 

Amongst other things, Visual Arts, Music, Poetry, Dance, Novels, Working Out, Movies, Prayer, Hiking, Silence, Crosswords, Math Problems, Meditation, time with friends, Worship, even Karaoke (for myself and John Thatamanil at least) are ways in which our hearts, our souls, find nourishment. And none of these things need to be 'Christian' or 'spiritual', they just need to be ways in which we find ourselves fed and given the strength to continue on our journeys, whatever they be, wherever they may take us. 

I encourage us all to take time to think about what nourishes deeply, and to make time for that, that we might have the food for the journey we need. 


Image credits:

AdventJourney photo: Morning mystic - Casey Horner on Unsplash 

Jesus feeds the Five Thousand, Medieval Art KB Nationale Bibliotheek 

Daily Bread artwork "Favourite Bible Verses About Food" on Taste of Home