Soul Collectives meet for six weeks at a time and will be added to our Events as they are planned. Our next season  begins April 22 in person in the Denson Lounge at St John the Divine, 1611 Quadra St, Victoria, BC V8W 2L5, and April 25 on Zoom.

Thank you to the participants of our first season, and thank you too for your positive feedback!

Our theme this season will be ‘
Wonder’ We will be using the book ‘Awe, the New Science of Everyday Wonder’ by Dacher Keltner as our companion text. It is not a requirement to have the book to attend a Soul Collective. We will be using it as a guide for our own reflections and any necessary reading will be provided. Having said that, if you would like to read the book or own the book, it is available in our local library, at Munro’s books, and of course on Amazon.

Here is a wonderful interview with Keltner from the On Being podcast which I recommend listening to:

To find out more and to register email or please phone the office at 250-383-7169 and leave a return number.

For more details about what a Soul Collective is, please read our Artist Advocate's blog post here