This is a Generous Space group:  a community of people who want to know and follow Jesus, and know and love one another.  There is room for you here, no matter your sexuality, gender identity and expression, or relationship status; no matter your convictions, interpretation of Scripture, or theology; no matter how vibrant your faith, audacious your questions, or persistent your doubt.   

We do not always agree, and we are not a perfect community, yet we seek the unity for which Jesus prayed.  We are committed to dialogue, listening to and learning from each other, maintaining confidentiality, and pursuing reconciliation when needed.  We want this to be a safe space, but we don’t always expect it to be a comfortable space, because we know that constructive tension is necessary for growth.  

We acknowledge that our meeting takes place on the traditional territory of the Lekwungen people, now known as the Songhees and Esquimalt nations.  We will work together to overcome our racism, heal broken covenants, and seek right relationships with all people.  

May God use our time and friendship to nurture a community marked by humility, hospitality, mutuality and justice.

Victoria's Generous Space Group generally meets on the last Wednesday of the month.

If you would like more information on the time and date of the next meeting, please use the contact form below.

For more information on the wider Generous Space Community, please visit Generous Space Ministries.

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