
  1. Manage and control funds and investments
  2. Direct and oversee administrative and financial concerns
  3. Oversee all financial development programs and initiatives of the Church
  4. To appoint advisory committees, and the members of such committees need not be members of the Financial Management & Development Committee.
  5. Monitor financial needs of the Church, offering financial development advice, programs and suggesting opportunities for financial growth
  6. To be responsible for keeping general oversight of the care of land and buildings, furnishings and effects belonging to the Church, and shall also oversee the placement and maintenance of adequate insurance against any insurable hazards to the church or its property or to the incumbent or the churchwardens as such.
  7. Provide financial and administrative support to the Church as requested in such areas as planned giving, legal, personnel, stewardship, organizational and property issues.
  8. Coordinate and propose to Wardens and Parish Council all components of a budget for Church work in consultation with clergy, program staff, appropriate committees and council.
  9. Set revenue expectations and seek revenue support for international and national mission and special ministries within the Church through the apportionment/assessment requests.
  10. Provide a central link for networks for financial development and financial management volunteer networks, offering them skill expansion opportunities regularly.
  11. Maintain and coordinate accounting system
  12. Appoint bankers, insurance agents, etc.
  13. Ensure appropriate signing officers are designated and appropriate paperwork completed as necessary.
  14. Recommend to Parish Council from time to time names of persons for the committee.
  15. To report as required to Parish Council.
  16. Support Treasurer and Wardens and represent Parish Council at Vestry.
  17. Encourage theological reflection on stewardship and on the committee’s mandate.
  18. Within the Committee’s mandate, do functional strategic planning and visioning.
  19. When deemed appropriate, invite partners (international, ecumenical or internal to join the committee.


Canon 7.12 Parish Finances

The financial year of the Parish shall begin on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of December in each calendar year.

  1. All monies received by the parish from any source or for any purpose shall be promptly deposited in a chartered bank, credit union, or trust company authorized to do business in the Province of British Columbia, and cheques drawn on the account or accounts shall be signed by any two of the following:
    1. the incumbent
    2. the rector’s warden
    3. the people warden
    4. the treasurer or assistant treasurer, if any,
  2. All the monies received from any source and for any purpose by the parish shall be brought of account in the churchwardens’ accounts, and shall be included in their annual statement to be submitted to the vestry.
  3. The churchwardens’ accounts shall be examined each year by a qualifies person or persons, other than a member of the parish council, elected at the previous annual vestry meeting, and the examiner’s report on the accounts shall be presented to the vestry meeting.


Form for Requesting Funds

The form for requesting funds is available to download below or can be opened in a new window here.


Purchasing Procedures

The Administrative Coordinator is designated as the Purchasing Agent for the Parish. They will be the signatory on all contracts for services and goods.

It will be the policy of this parish that all purchases will be initiated with a purchase request. Approval by the Administrative Coordinator, must be granted before any purchase action commences. All items to be purchased using general or designated funds will be purchased by the parish using the following procedures.

  1. A standardized purchase order form will be utilized by the parish (copy above) for all purchases. The form will have the following minimum data:
    1. Sequential serial number
    2. Name, Address, Telephone #, and GST Identification # of the parish
    3. Space for Name, Address, Telephone # of supplier from which the item is to be purchased
    4. Space for complete item identification, unit of purchase, quantity to be purchased, unit cost, and total cost for the item
    5. Shipping or other special instructions
    6. date required
    7. space to identify Ministry/Committee/Person requesting purchase, the Budget Account Code to charge the purchase, and authorizing signature of the account administrator.
  2. Purchase Orders will be reviewed by the Administrative Coordinator to determine:
    1. Is it an authorized budget expenditure
    2. The Budget Account Code has sufficient balance to make the purchase
    3. Whether or not funds exist in the general fund to make the purchase
    4. Whether or not the expenditure falls within priority of expenditure as designated by the Financial Management & Development Committee.
  3. When the Administrative Coordinator authorizes the purchase, the account code and general budget will show an obligation owing until receipt of the material. When the material is received, the billing will be compared to credit and adjustment made to the account and budget balance.
  4. The Administrative Coordinator is to inspect the material and report discrepancies or problems with the delivered item.
  5. The Administrative Coordinator will then prepare a cheque for payment upon receipt and satisfactory inspection of material.
  6. Subject to approval by Rector, Wardens and Parish Council, Expense Accounts will be established for certain ministry business items such as travel, conference, professional and educational expenses. Individuals utilizing these account will be reimbursed as the event or activity occurs and under the following guidelines:
    1. All requests for reimbursement (cheque requisition form attached) will be evaluated by the Administrative Coordinator to determine if the individual is allowed such expense and if funds exist to make payment.
    2. Individuals may request via purchase order that the parish make expense payments prior to the need/event.
    3. Individuals who make the expense and then request payment must have valid receipts for expenses incurred. These receipts must accompany the request for payment.
    4. Each year the Financial Management & Development Committee will determine the maAximum allowable travel mileage authorized for use of private vehicles and for business reimbursement.

 August 23, 2000