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Poem - A Fresh Clean Start, by Deborah Ann Belka

A fresh clean start,
new beginnings too
not just for today…
but, all year through.

Putting behind the past,
pressing into the goal
loving God with all . . .
your heart, mind and soul.

New beginnings,
a fresh new clean start
when Jesus becomes
the beat in your heart.

Letting Him change you,
from the inside out
pushing back your fears
giving Him your doubt.

A fresh clean start,
is waiting for you . . .
oh, the mighty things
in you God can do!


In so many significant ways, the pandemic has distorted our sense of time. Sociologists even have a name for it. Pandemic Fatigue. Although we’re not in the throws of restrictions and lockdown like the first two years, we’re still feeling somewhat worn out. As community, we’re still discovering how to be church in these unprecedented times.

How desperately we need Advent! A new, fresh Church year. So, let us yawn, stretch our limbs and loosen our stiff joints! As we rub the ongoing pandemic dust from our eyes, may we see that everything, from our seasonal preparations to the prophetic words echoing down the centuries, contains God’s invitation to awaken us to the true work of this holy season. Let us begin with the renewal of our faith in service, and the awakening of our hearts to the needs of others.


Image credits:

AdventJourney photo: Morning mystic - Casey Horner on Unsplash 

Begin Again: photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash